Yoke gotta go! Does it suck?

Safa Maryum
3 min readMay 13, 2024


Ever since tesla came out with yoke steering wheel on the refreshed model X and the model S, the oak steering wheel has been a hot topic of debate.

Is it the master stroke of Elon’s genius or was it just impulse bad decision just to make cars look more futuristic???

Everyone on Internet is like;

“Oh! I went yoke”

“I went yoke”

“I went yoke”

A Survey ran by Jim Spencer ~ lowa Tesla Guy

He ran a highly scientific poll on X ( twitter) and the results were mixed; with the bad category squeaking out the wind but with only 42% of the total vote. That leaves the rest on favour of yoke or those who simply don’t care; it doesn’t bother them.

If you’re reading this article, odds are either you own a tesla or you’re interested in buying one in future. With this amazing article, I will figure it out; the pros and cons so it will be easier for you to decide.

When it comes to yoke mind virus, I don’t love it, I don’t hate it either!

If you’re a road tripping person, yoke is gonna make you happy!!!

The yoke makes it easier it acknowledge the auto pilot nag due to the rectangular shape of the yoke. Putting constant torque on the round wheel over the course of the entire day really wears on you with the yoke, gravity is your friend.

View; The major Pro

Yoke eliminates the top portion of the wheel and completely opens up the field of view in front of you so you can view your front display screen easily and also the car screen.

The aspects of yoke might be better for some, bad for some but definitely different for all.

The thing is you need to get used to it. Even people who love yoke still the start was kind of difficult for them as all were used to of the wheel steering. With time you get it especially when making turns you need to hold yoke differently.

  • You can’t let yoke slip through your hands unlike a regular steering wheel.
  • You’ve to retrain yourselves on how to and where to pit your hands on yoke.

Turning; The major Cons

In the middle of turns, your yoke could be a challenge I mean its hard sometimes at least for yoke-beginner to assess when to hold the yoke back because with the simple steering you don’t simply let go of it just hold it loosely and let it slide through your hands. But for yoke, you need to pay attention to it and hold the corners of yoke.

  • When manoeuvring the car in a parking lot at low speed, it requires hand over hand movement.
  • For that you need to use your own peripheral vision to make estimates about where to hold the yoke.

It could be tricky in the beginning.

But at the end, it’s still your choice. A regular steering wheel or yoke, you’re going to decide it. I hope this article helps you in a better decision making.

You can check out this amazing in-depth review about yoke.

For me, personally, I would go with yoke getting myself comfortable with it by time and having a futuristic experience with it.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts about it.



Safa Maryum

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