One CHOICE Can Transform YOU

Safa Maryum
2 min readMay 21, 2024


Be the Divergent, and it’s not just about rebelling against control; it’s about embracing the limitless potential within. It’s about being brave enough to live authentically and boldly.

This is your life so you better guide yourself rather than letting someone else step in and telling you;

“Oh no! The wrong move, do it this way instead”

You made the wrong move, its okay we’re humans and we’re meant to make mistakes but the things is to learn from the mistakes not fear the mistakes.

We all grew up in the society where we feel controlled. From a young age, we were told what to do, how to think, and who to become. But why??? It’s our life so the decision should be ours. Why are you bound to the expectations of others???

The constant pressure from society fits us into a predefined mold where we act as puppets and who among us dared to step out of that line?

Did you dare???

Well, if you dare to dream, why not you dare the divergence???

Why I am writing this?

All my life it happened to me. It is late but never too late to redefine yourself. While my teenage years may be left behind me, but the rest of my life stretches out before me like an open sky, filled with endless possibilities.

I couldn’t do much for my teen-self back then, but know there’s a lot I can do for my present self and I will, definitely! I will follow my passion now and will not let myself be confined anymore. I missed out many golden opportunities of life just because I was afraid what would happen next.

Now I realised the journey to freedom and self-discovery is challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. The one choice you make will completely transform you.

Once you achieve what you really wanted, once you become what you really wanted to become, you’ll feel more alive.

If you feel the divergence inside you, don’t fear it . Embrace your divergence and let it guide you to a lite of true fulfillment.

I am a divergent, are you???



Safa Maryum

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