Insights on Turning Another Year Wiser~ Amara Riva
People can only meet you as far as they have met themselves
Your body tells you everything you need, it’s the biggest indicator; listen to it.
Pressure is a privilege; learning to be happy and comfortable in your own company is key to life. Don’t ever go looking for things; things you need to know will come to you.
It costs nothing to be kind, it takes zero penny to smile at strangers while walking down the road that actually might be the thing that actually saves their day. So, be kind whenever you can .
The Grace; handle everything with the grace. Don’t let life turn your heart sour, maintain the garce and always keep your standards.
Forgive people always but not for them, for yourself.
Sun rises and sets every single day life goes on so, enjoy the good days, enjoy the bad days. Everything pauses with time.
Sometimes doing the right things mean doing the hardest thing that is a really tough thing to swallow in life.
Communication is everything …
When you choose to do something; do it loud, do it proud and do not look back.
Play to your strengths…
Confidence comes when you trust your own words.
Try to make a moment out of everything from the most mundane things to most accelerating things.
If you think you can’t; you’re right.
If you think you can; you’re right.
About Amara:
She is a social media influencer and digital creator. She shared these insights when she turned 24. Her experience of her 20’s.
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