A purple universe

Safa Maryum
5 min readMay 12, 2024


“Purple is the last color of the rainbow. This shows I will trust & love you all the time”

Bangton Boys

When we were pre-teens we probably thought purple was just a color, just a shade of violet, and thought maybe that was all it was. Eventually, we perceived that it was more than just a color; a color theory, but we humans were contented with it.

However, this theory changed in mid-2016 when a South Korean band Bangtan Sonyeondan was nominated for their amazing stage performance and now we are exposed to another symbolism of this color. Be it fate or mere coincidence, purple has become inherent to the identity of BTS and ARMY that it had synonymous with their existence.

“I purple you”

This mini phrase has made its mark on the world without a doubt. Throughout the world, this has changed the outlook of all youth. It is not a scorching red or pacific blue, because sometimes what the world needs is an understanding purple. Not only this but there is a common train of thought, that the army regrets not stanning BTS earlier.

It’s as cliché as it may sound, we found them when we needed them the most. ~ said ARMY

The purple universe of Bangtan boys and ARMY is an invisible sort of pull between them and happiness like gravity. Let’s tour together to this purple universe.

The 7 boys from Korea who now became an inspiration for youth around this round globe, debuted together as a band under the name of Bangtan Sonyeodan. At first, they were not acknowledged, not taken on board, when publicized, no one take notice of them. Still not losing hope they continued strolling ahead, being confident and self-reliant their steps were steady and firm leading to the top-tier success that every one of us does visualize.

Years passed, and their struggles, diligence, and hard work keeps on afoot to put together this purple universe. Being all hated and demotivated by society, and the people you are breathing with, how they become this outrageous all of sudden. It was an irony! People found no point in listening to them because they don’t understand Korean. This is such a disgrace to music. From when music became the ward of language.

Real music is something that connects to the soul. Fortunately, some young gave them a chance to prove what they are and they did it. BTS rocked it!

In the beginning, people were enticed by their visuals and performance but as they went deeper into learning about them, they were amazed by their lyricism. Their words seemed to resonate exceedingly and people got invested in them. BTS opened the eyes of the world.

What sets BTS apart from the others was their messages go beyond language and cultural barriers. It is hard to dub things difficult but with BTS, their messages outstrip and transcend because they speak about realities, nevertheless, that hit dominantly.

Army proudly says that we are still not late to knowing them for as long as they have is because they utter what the army wants to hear, the voice of their hearts. People joining the fandom during the Covid pandemic called it the blessing of life.

Finding BTS and sinking in their solace feels like a slow cool breeze hitting you while the sun is shining brightly in the sky. The fear and pain of isolation during this global pandemic do not trail off but there is a presence of hope that can strengthen the inner you to fight against the sorrows.

Do you know why Army is a whale, in bulletproof eternal? “The saddest whale in the world”

This animal cannot communicate with other whales. “Like the whale, BTS speaks the language no one understands, Until Army hears it.

Dynamite, a call to be happy and joyful

BTS’s “Dynamite”, their first all-English track released at midnight Eastern Time on August 21, 2020, accessible to a wide audience, has succeeded in both smashing records and providing much-needed energy and comfort to the fans around the world.

“It delivers a message that even in hard times like this, we must focus on what we can do” ~ Namjoon

This upbeat track was light, with catchy lyrics and a music video full of joyous Bangtan boys making the Army’s heart swell with joy. They provide soul healing with their outrageous vocals and stunning lyrics, and the response from ARMY has been nothing short of explosive.

The official music video premiere scored 1.5 billion views smashing all their own previous records and many more held by others. Not only this but also “Dynamite” reached №1 on the iTunes charts in 101 countries and had a total of 98 million views, all within 24 hours since its debut.

The world is dark right now, even its darkest before dawn. Here are rays of hope in the world; hope for a bright future ~ Namjoon

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Safa Maryum

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